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Having to keep our homes safe and secure is a fact of life. Goodwood Fitch's five-point security profile helps keep your home secure and your family safe.

1. Off-set meeting rails. 

Where the top and bottom sashes meet in the middle of your window is a vulnerable spot. Historically burglars try to break the catch by forcing a blade up between the two sashes to break the catch. An off-set, angled meeting rail makes this virtually impossible.

2. Internally glazed. 

Because our glass units are fitted from the inside into a rebate within the body of the timber frame the glazing units cannot be prised out.

3. Toughened glass

We use toughened glass (tempered glass) as standard in all of our double-glazed units. Toughened glass is up to 4 or 5 times stronger than standard glass making it highly impact resistant. 

4. Locks

Fitch is the name for the type of lock fitted to our windows. To comply with the requirements of insurance companies we fit key-locking fitch-fasteners to all new windows.

5. Sash stops

Retractable sash stops that restrict the window from being opened fully are another useful addition to the security profile of our windows. Not only do sash stops help prevent the window being opened to gain unwanted access, they help prevent accidents like children falling all the while keeping ventilation flowing.

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